Back to demo
                    <div class="container">
                      <article class="post">
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                var columns = [];
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                var endPaginationArr = [10, 10];
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                /* your table cannot have any missing indexes or you will receive the following error
                /* Obj[y] is undefined
                /* fetch JSON
                var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
                xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
                  if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
                    // console.log(JSON.stringify(this.responseText));
                    Obj = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
                    countRows = Object.keys(Obj).map(function(key) {
                      return [Number(key), Obj[key]];
                    columns = Object.keys(
                      Obj.reduce(function(result, obj) {
                        return Object.assign(result, obj);
                      }, {})
                    // console.log("columns: " + columns);
                    // console.log(countRows.length);
                    rows = countRows.length;
                    // keep track of remainder rows
                    switch (rows) {
                      case rows % 30 != 0:
                        thirtiethRemainder = rows % 30;
                      case rows % 10 != 0:
                        tenthRemainder = rows % 10;
                      case rows % 6 != 0:
                        sixthRemainder = rows % 6;
                      case rows % 3 != 0:
                        thirdRemainder = rows % 3;
                    // a 30th of the rows, a 10th of the rows, a 6th and a 3rd of the rows
                    rowSegments = [
                      rows % 30 != 0 ? Math.round(rows / 30) : Math.floor(rows / 30),
                      rows % 10 != 0 ? Math.round(rows / 10) : Math.floor(rows / 10),
                      rows % 6 != 0 ? Math.round(rows / 6) : Math.floor(rows / 6),
                      rows % 3 != 0 ? Math.round(rows / 3) : Math.floor(rows / 3)
                    rowsPerPage = rowSegments[1];
                    pages = rows / rowsPerPage;
                    pages = Math.round(pages);
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                    // console.log("paginationArr: " + JSON.stringify(paginationArr));
                    // console.log("pages: " + pages);
                    createRows(Obj, rowsPerPage);
      "GET", "assets/js/vendors/getJson.pdo.php", true);
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                    ul.innerHTML += "
  • " + columns[m] + "
  • "; makeHeaderDiv.appendChild(ul); } makeHeader.appendChild(makeHeaderDiv); }; var reloadObj = function(num) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { Obj = JSON.parse(this.responseText); countRows = Object.keys(Obj).map(function(key) { return [Number(key), Obj[key]]; }); columns = Object.keys( Obj.reduce(function(result, obj) { return Object.assign(result, obj); }, {}) ); // console.log("columns: " + columns); // console.log(countRows.length); rows = countRows.length; // keep track of remainder rows switch (rows) { case rows % 30 != 0: thirtiethRemainder = rows % 30; break; case rows % 10 != 0: tenthRemainder = rows % 10; break; case rows % 6 != 0: sixthRemainder = rows % 6; break; case rows % 3 != 0: thirdRemainder = rows % 3; break; default: break; } // a 30th of the rows, a 10th of the rows, a 6th and a 3rd of the rows rowSegments = [ rows % 30 != 0 ? Math.round(rows / 30) : Math.floor(rows / 30), rows % 10 != 0 ? Math.round(rows / 10) : Math.floor(rows / 10), rows % 6 != 0 ? Math.round(rows / 6) : Math.floor(rows / 6), rows % 3 != 0 ? Math.round(rows / 3) : Math.floor(rows / 3) ]; // console.log("rows: " + rows); pages = rows / rowsPerPage; pages = Math.round(pages); // fill paginationArr with values paginationArr = []; for (w = 1; w <= pages; w++) { paginationArr.push(w); } // console.log(JSON.stringify(paginationArr)); // console.log("pages: " + pages); var selection = document.getElementById("rowsPerPageSelect").value; newRows.innerHTML = ""; pagination.innerHTML = ""; selection == "" ? (rowsPerPage = rowSegments[1]) : (rowsPerPage = selection); getColumnHeaders(); // console.log("rowsPerPage: " + rowsPerPage); calculateStartEnd(num); loadGif(); createRowsWithStartAndEnd(Obj, start, end, num); createPaginationBtns(num); } };"GET", "assets/js/vendors/getJson.pdo.php", true); xmlhttp.send(); }; var getEndId = function(Obj, start, num) { // parseInt(start) + parseInt(rowsPerPage) var startId = Obj[start]["id"]; var preventConcat = eval(eval(start) + eval(rowsPerPage)); var endId = 0; // console.log("preventConcat: " + preventConcat + " rows: " + rows); if (preventConcat < parseInt(rows) && num == endPaginationArr[1]) { endId = parseInt(rows); } else { endId = preventConcat; } // console.log("endId: " + endId); return endId; }; var calculateStartEnd = function(num) { pages = countRows.length / rowsPerPage; pages = Math.round(pages); start = (parseInt(num) - parseInt(1)) * parseInt(rowsPerPage); /* console.log( "num: " + num + " rowsPerPage + 1: " + (parseInt(rowsPerPage) + parseInt(1)) ); */ if (num == pages) { end = getEndId(Obj, start, num); } else { end = parseInt(parseInt(start) + parseInt(rowsPerPage)); } }; /***************************/ /* function resetPage /* just as name implies /***************************/ var resetPage = function() { selection = document.getElementById("rowsPerPageSelect").value; // console.log(selection); newRows.innerHTML = ""; pagination.innerHTML = ""; if (rowsPerPage && !selection) { selection = rowsPerPage; trackSelectionValue = rowsPerPage; } else { rowsPerPage = selection; trackSelectionValue = selection; } // console.log("rows: " + rows + "pages: " + pages); pages = rows / rowsPerPage; pages = Math.round(pages); // fill paginationArr with values paginationArr = []; for (r = 1; r <= pages; r++) { paginationArr.push(r); } // console.log(JSON.stringify(paginationArr)); loadGif(); createRows(Obj, rowsPerPage); createPaginationBtns(); }; /***************************/ /* function setActivePgBtn /* just as name implies /***************************/ var setActivePgBtn = function(num) { // console.log(num); reloadObj(num); }; /****************************/ /* function createRowsPerPageSelection /* creates the select options /* which determine how many rows per page /* will be displayed of the /* JSON object and, in turn, determines /* how many pages will be displayed, /* along with how many pagination buttons /* be displayed /***************************/ var createRowsPerPageSelection = function() { var rowsPerPageSelection = document.createElement("select"); rowsPerPageSelection.setAttribute("id", "rowsPerPageSelect"); rowsPerPageSelection.setAttribute("onchange", "resetPage()"); var options = document.createElement("option"); options.setAttribute("select", "selected"); options.setAttribute("value", ""); options.innerHTML = "Select rows per page"; rowsPerPageSelection.appendChild(options); for (var z = 0; z < rowSegments.length; z++) { options = document.createElement("option"); switch (z) { case 0: options.setAttribute("value", Math.round(rows / 30)); options.innerHTML = rowSegments[z] + " - 30th of data"; break; case 1: options.setAttribute("value", Math.round(rows / 10)); options.innerHTML = rowSegments[z] + " - 10th of data"; break; case 2: options.setAttribute("value", Math.round(rows / 6)); options.innerHTML = rowSegments[z] + " - 6th of data"; break; case 3: options.setAttribute("value", Math.round(rows / 3)); options.innerHTML = rowSegments[z] + " - 3rd of data"; break; default: break; } rowsPerPageSelection.appendChild(options); } perRowSection.appendChild(rowsPerPageSelection); }; /****************************/ /* function createPaginationBtns /* creates the pagination buttons /* depending on how many pages have /* been calculated by the size of /* JSON object and the rows per page selected /***************************/ var createPaginationBtns = function(num = 0) { // first li var pli; pli = document.createElement("li"); if (num >= 2) { startPaginationArr[0] = 1; } else { startPaginationArr[0] = 1; } if (num >= 2) { } else { pli.setAttribute("class", "disabled"); } plia = document.createElement("a"); plia.setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript:setActivePgBtn(" + startPaginationArr[0] + ")" ); var plia = document.createElement("a"); plia.setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript:setActivePgBtn(" + startPaginationArr[0] + ")" ); plia.setAttribute("href", "javascript://"); plia.innerHTML = "«"; pli.appendChild(plia); pagination.appendChild(pli); // second li pli; pli = document.createElement("li"); if (num >= 0) { startPaginationArr[1] = parseInt(num) - parseInt(1); endPaginationArr[0] = parseInt(num) - parseInt(1); } else { startPaginationArr[1] = parseInt(num); } if (startPaginationArr[1] < 1) { pli.setAttribute("class", "disabled"); } else { } plia = document.createElement("a"); plia.setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript:setActivePgBtn(" + startPaginationArr[1] + ")" ); plia.setAttribute("href", "javascript://"); plia.innerHTML = "<"; pli.appendChild(plia); pagination.appendChild(pli); for (var x = 1; x < pages; x++) { // console.log("paginationArr[x]: " + paginationArr[x]); pli = document.createElement("li"); if (num == 0 && x == 1) { pli.setAttribute("class", "active"); pli.setAttribute("id", "pagination-li-" + x); } else if (x == num) { pli.setAttribute("class", "active"); pli.setAttribute("id", "pagination-li-" + x); } else { pli.setAttribute("id", "pagination-li-" + x); } plia = document.createElement("a"); plia.setAttribute("onClick", "javascript:setActivePgBtn(" + x + ")"); plia.setAttribute("href", "javascript://"); plia.innerHTML = x; pli.appendChild(plia); pagination.appendChild(pli); } // create button for the remainder rows remainderPage = Math.round(rows / rowsPerPage); oneMorePaginationBtn(num); // second to last li pli = document.createElement("li"); if (num < remainderPage) { if (num == 0) { endPaginationArr[0] = parseInt(num) + parseInt(2); } else { endPaginationArr[0] = parseInt(num) + parseInt(1); startPaginationArr[1] = parseInt(num) + parseInt(1); } } else { endPaginationArr[0] = parseInt(num) + parseInt(1); } if (endPaginationArr[0] > remainderPage) { pli.setAttribute("class", "disabled"); pli.setAttribute("id", "pagination-li-" + endPaginationArr[0]); } else { pli.setAttribute("id", "pagination-li-" + endPaginationArr[0]); } var plia = document.createElement("a"); plia.setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript:setActivePgBtn(" + endPaginationArr[0] + ")" ); plia.setAttribute("href", "javascript://"); plia.innerHTML = ">"; pli.appendChild(plia); pagination.appendChild(pli); // last li pli = document.createElement("li"); if (num < remainderPage) { endPaginationArr[1] = remainderPage; } else { endPaginationArr[1] = parseInt(remainderPage) + parseInt(1); } if (endPaginationArr[1] > remainderPage) { pli.setAttribute("class", "disabled"); pli.setAttribute("id", "pagination-li-" + endPaginationArr[1]); } else { pli.setAttribute("id", "pagination-li-" + endPaginationArr[1]); } plia = document.createElement("a"); plia.setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript:setActivePgBtn(" + endPaginationArr[1] + ")" ); plia.setAttribute("href", "javascript://"); plia.innerHTML = "»"; pli.appendChild(plia); pagination.appendChild(pli); }; /***************************/ /* function oneMorePaginationBtn creates one more button for remainders /**************************/ var oneMorePaginationBtn = function(num) { // console.log("remainderPage: " + remainderPage); pli = document.createElement("li"); if (num == remainderPage) { pli.setAttribute("class", "active"); } else { } pli.setAttribute("id", "pagination-li-" + remainderPage); plia = document.createElement("a"); plia.setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript:setActivePgBtn(" + remainderPage + ")" ); plia.setAttribute("href", "javascript://"); plia.innerHTML = remainderPage; pli.appendChild(plia); pagination.appendChild(pli); }; /***************************/ /* function createRows /* name explains functionality /***************************/ var createRows = function(Obj, rowsPerPage) { var divRows, divRowsChild; for (var y = 0; y < rowsPerPage - 1; y++) { divRows = document.createElement("div"); divRowsChild = document.createElement("ul"); divRowsChild.setAttribute("class", "list-inline"); for (var u = 0; u < columns.length; u++) { if (y % 2 == 0) { divRows.setAttribute("class", "stripped"); if (Obj[y][columns[u]]) { data = Obj[y][columns[u]]; // console.log("data.substring(0, 4): " + data.substring(0, 4)); if (data.substring(0, 4) == expr) { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • " + columns[u] + "
  • "; } else { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • " + getSnippet(Obj[y][columns[u]], 10, "original_band") + " 
  • "; } } else { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • "; } divRows.appendChild(divRowsChild); } else { divRows.setAttribute("class", "non-stripped"); if (Obj[y][columns[u]]) { data = Obj[y][columns[u]]; if (data.substring(0, 4) == expr) { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • " + columns[u] + "
  • "; } else { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • " + getSnippet(Obj[y][columns[u]], 10, "original_band") + " 
  • "; } } else { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • "; } divRows.appendChild(divRowsChild); } newRows.appendChild(divRows); unLoadGif(); } } afterLoading(); }; /***************************/ /* function createRowsWithStartAndEnd /* name explains functionality /***************************/ var createRowsWithStartAndEnd = function(Obj, start, end, num) { var divRows, divRowsChild; var activeBtn = num; start = Math.floor(start); // console.log("start: " + start + "end: " + end + "num: " + num); if (typeof Obj[end] == "undefined") { end = rows; } else { end = Math.floor(end); } for (var y = start; y < end; y++) { divRows = document.createElement("div"); divRowsChild = document.createElement("ul"); divRowsChild.setAttribute("class", "list-inline"); for (var u = 0; u < columns.length; u++) { if (y % 2 == 0) { divRows.setAttribute("class", "stripped"); if (Obj[y][columns[u]]) { data = Obj[y][columns[u]]; if (data.substring(0, 4) == expr) { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • " + columns[u] + "
  • "; } else { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • " + getSnippet(Obj[y][columns[u]], 10, "original_band") + "
  • "; } } else { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • "; } divRows.appendChild(divRowsChild); } else { divRows.setAttribute("class", "non-stripped"); if (Obj[y][columns[u]]) { data = Obj[y][columns[u]]; if (data.substring(0, 4) == expr) { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • " + columns[u] + "
  • "; } else { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • " + getSnippet(Obj[y][columns[u]], 10, "original_band") + "
  • "; } } else { divRowsChild.innerHTML += "
  • "; } divRows.appendChild(divRowsChild); } newRows.appendChild(divRows); unLoadGif(); } } afterLoading(); }; /***************************/ /* function getSnippet /* return snippet of description, titles and band names /***************************/ var getSnippet = function(str, len, divName = "description") { if (str.length > len && divName == "description") { str = str.substring(0, 49) + "..."; return str; } else if (str.length > len && divName == "original_band") { str = str.substring(0, 10) + "..."; return str; } else if (str.length > len) { str = str.substring(0, 24) + "..."; return str; } else { return str; } }; /*****************************/ /* function afterLoading /****************************/ var afterLoading = function() { $(document).ready(function() { $("li span a").each(function() { switch ($(this).text()) { case "download_midi_tabs": $(this).addClass("mZip"); break; case "youtube_link": $(this).addClass("mYouTube"); break; case "download_guitar_m4v": $(this).addClass("volume"); break; default: break; } $(this).css("padding-left", "1.5em"); }); }); }; var loadGif = function() { tempLoadGif.innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("loadMGif").style.display = "block"; }; var unLoadGif = function() { setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("loadMGif").style.display = "none"; }, 300); };
                      class ViewSongsPdo extends SongsPdo {
                        public function showAllSongs() {
                          $datas = $this->getAllSongs();
                          $myJSON = json_encode( $datas );
                          echo stripslashes( $myJSON );
                      $songs = new ViewSongsPdo();
                      class SongsPdo extends DbhPdo {
                        protected function getAllSongs() {
                            $stmt = $this->connect()->query('select * from songs_new');
                            return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                          }catch (PDOException $e){
                            echo 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage();
                        class DbhPdo {
                          private $servername;
                          private $username;
                          private $pwd;
                          private $dbname;
                          protected function connect() {
                            $this->servername = "localhost";
                            $this->username = "username";
                            $this->pwd = "pswd";
                            $this->dbname = "db";
                            $this->charset = "utf8mb4";
                              $dsn = "mysql:host=" . $this->servername . ";dbname=" . $this->dbname . ";charset=" . $this->charset;
                              $pdo = new PDO($dsn, $this->username, $this->pwd);
                              $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
                              return $pdo;
                            } catch(PDOException $e) {
                              echo "Message: " . $e->getMessage();